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THBC was founded in the late 1980’s due to a surge in demand for badminton within the local community in Tower Hamlets. The intention was to create a platform for the local young people to take up the game of Badminton diverting them away from antisocial activities.

Main objectives of THBC included promoting the game of badminton within the community and the society at large, encourage participation and develop players at county and national level.

THBC, from the inception, confronted considerable obstacles, Lack of resources, availability of players, accessibility of sports centres and red tape associated with management of centres and general discrimination. Furthermore, lack of Parental support and encouragement created further obstacles as parents in the early days were extra cautious and protective towards their children’s activities for obvious reasons. Founders of THBC worked hard, approached the parents and persuaded them to allow their children to participate in supervised sports and unleash their potential.


Notwithstanding the countless obstacles, the founders of THBC continued to struggle and ultimately established a very well-founded club for the greater benefit of the society at large. The club was named Tower Hamlets Badminton Club (THBC) because it is based in Tower Hamlets. The Club has been representing the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.
In the early 1990’s Abdul Muktadir Shamim emerged as a outstanding young talent who over the years became a legendary leading player for the club. He was not only the leading player but he had played a significant role in the progress of the club and he continues to contribute in the further development of the club.

As the success and progress gradually became evident, people from all age group, gender diverse background and different locations started to show interest in Joining THBC. It soon developed into a multicultural organisation with participation from players of diverse nationality. Members and participants included British, Indian, Bangladeshi, French, Malaysian, Chinese, Africans, Srilankan and many more, although majority members are from Bangladeshi background because the local community consisted of predominantly From Bangladeshi community.

THBC continued to make significant progress over the years including participating in popular tournaments, winning major tournaments around the country, participating in Middlesex County League, Participating in the London Youth Games, preparing a squad for a friendly badminton tour to Bangladesh in 2000, playing against Bangladesh National team. THBC continued to improve the provision of high level coaching, training for young players and promoting them to league and county level. The success and progress of THBC is evident from the constant achievements to date.
THBC prides itself in the achievements and constantly striving to improve and further develop the coaching sessions for the young generations and seniors progressing to County league and national level badminton.


Shablul Hoque


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